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Taking the Scary Step...

I've had a lot of fun, lately, going through my closet & collections to find garments I've stashed away. I've been needing a HUGE inspiration fix in the past few weeks while I slowly gain my confidence to take my online business into the Brick & Mortar world.  Every piece of vintage jewelry, clothing, knick-knacks, etc. I've bought gives me fuel to keep moving forward. I want others to feel inspired by what I'm lucky enough to own.
I'm scared to death and a lot of times feel the need to quit and stay working towards other peoples dreams.  My need to share with others how amazing vintage can be keeps me going forward.
My ultimate goal is to create a place where people can come and gather inspiration. I would LOVE for the pieces I own to be used for other's creativity!
I'm scared to death. I've got a business meeting today. I'm trying to calm my nerves. Hopefully my next post will be filled with my new prospects & a better path towards my store dream 💗

1960's Beaded Burlesque Collar

1960's Vanity Fair Nightgown
1960's Sunshine Yellow Beaded Formal Gown

1970's Handmade Native American Pow Wow Necklace

1960's Burlesque Chain Bra & 60's Tassel Coin Pasties


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