I don't know about you, but I feel like everyday should be a day to dress-up, wear weird things, or just be a different style version of yourself. My style is not fluid by any means. I wear what I want and there's usually never any rhyme or reason. I go through spurts where I will wear nothing but Black for weeks on end, or I'll wear the most ostentatious vintage blouse or dress. Weird looks and stares are usually waiting outside the door, but as Mae West said, "It's better to be looked over than over-looked". Or at least, that's my motto. Lately, I've decided that if I want to wear a 1950's bathing suit out and about, I'm going to. I don't live near any lakes or pools, but it's nice to pretend like you do :) 1950's Bathing Suit w/ a 1960's Bed Jacket I'm quite a big fan of Vintage Bed Jackets and it's one of the many things I hoard (collect). I found this GORGEOUS & PRISTINE Deadstock Bed Jacket from "...