Every vintage collector has that one piece of vintage, in their minds, that they dream of and lust for. That one piece that is their own personal, Holy Grail of vintage treasures. Last week, I found mine. I was shopping at a local antique mall when I came across a booth that I usually always skip, since I've become quite accustomed to my own booth pattern. In a little crate, hidden around the corner, I found a treasure trove a vintage crowns! They appeared to be, what I thought, were beauty pageant crowns due to their height and rhinestones. There were two that were Gold with Rainbow rhinestones, but looked to be around the 80's. I then saw, to my EXTREME surprise THIS: It was that one moment where I got the cold sweats and I started to shake (dramatic, right? ;p). My heart was pounding and I knew it HAD to be mine! The condition of the rhinestones date this to be around the early to mid-1950's, but the stars at the top are what were perplexing to me...